Campus Session 10th April: Module 2 perspective

Very happy to have finally attended a campus session this week! I arrived with lots of questions and not only left with my questions answered, but also with answers to questions I didn't even know I had.

Our main focus was - what does each module have to hand in for assessment?

In the session we had at least one representative of each module, which was great as it helped us get a full picture of what each module is about and a detailed view of what each module needs to hand in. This was particularly useful for us in module 2 and module 1, since knowing what the next modules entail can help us understand better the importance of our current assessments.

We created a table detailing our findings, which Adesola has already posted on her blog.

I'd like to specifically focus on module 2 and the questions I had as I can imagine other people currently in module 2 or who will be in module 2 next, might have the same questions.

What does module 2 have to hand in exactly?

  • A proposal for a professional research inquiry on a specific topic (3,000 words)
  • as an appendix: (all the following can be found under 'forms & templates' in myUniHub)
    • singed employer support form (if you are self-employed you complete this yourself)
    • ethical approval of inquiry form
    • draft data collection/participant consent form 
  • Reflective essay (500 words)
  • Award title rational (also found under 'forms & templates')
Important things to note:
Everything needs to have a reason in research.
Ethical procedures -> the things you're doing to follow expected civil rights in research. 
Your inquiry needs to be realistic for the timeframe and safe to carry out. 
Literature: what is already there?
Explain the method you'll follow.
Essentially the inquiry proposal constitutes of two main things: 1. What's being asked? 2. How will you answer it? (BUT remember the idea is not to answer it with a single answer, but to explore it. In a safe manner that does not violate any participants rights too...)


  1. This is really helpful! I have never been able to attend a campus session so its always great to read what was discussed. Did you talk about the structure of the essay at all? I am working on Module 2 at the moment as well. I think I have a grasp of what I need to include but I am not 100% of how to structure it and put it all together. Was this something that was brought up at all? :)

    1. Hi Megan! Glad to hear this was helpful for you :)
      We didn't go into detail about the structure of the essay, however I'd recommend having a good look at p.13-15 of the handbook where it breaks down the structure of the essay - I found it super helpful :)

  2. Thanks for posting about the campus session and including the breakdown of module 2's final submission. I am picking up on the point about our inquiry needing to be realistic for our timeframe, are you including any kind of contingency should our research take us off in a slightly different (but still relevant) direction? Extra research would obviously make it harder to stick to our proposed time line within the module. I'm worried if I put in my plan "additional research", relating to something I don't know that I don't know yet, it will seem like I haven't thought about my research plan enough.

    1. Hi Laura,
      From what we've talked about this is totally possible and okay if it happens - your research taking you to a slightly different direction I mean. From what I understood when making the proposal you shouldn't worry about this happening or try to include what you may do if things you can't even predict right now happen. The proposal needs to be realistic in terms of that it is something that can be explored within those 12 weeks and that it's also something that you can find enough info on/it's within your practice etc.
      Really hope I'm making sense!

  3. Thank you Arghierenia this was really helful!! x


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